Open Camera application
Tap Settings
Uninstall Mozilla from Add or remove programs
Now search %appdata% and it will open Windows Explorer
Delete folder Mozilla
Install package pyinstaller and run the following command
pyinstaller --onefile <filename>.py
Follow the steps to enable Allow access to file URLs:
Click Extensions icon
Click 3 dots (...) next to UI Vision RPA
Click Manage Extension
Scroll down and enable Allow access to file URLs
Open chrome://flags in Chrome Browser
Type password import in Search flags
Choose Enabled from dropdown list box
Click Relaunch button
Open chrome://settings/passwords in Chrome Browser
Click three-dot button in Saved Passwords
Click Import passwords
Locate CSV file and click Open
Run the following command from terminal
taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe
Same command can be used to close other processes.
Just replace chrome.exe with the process name and include extension as well.